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This is a safe space to let your inner child free!




Bine ai venit in lumea lui Lolly Dolly! Un loc la care fiecare copil viseaza- plin cu jucarii, accesorii, jocuri, fundite, bentite si lucruri dragute!

Am creat acest magazin din iubirea pentru lucrurile frumoase, si ne dorim sa fie un spatiu unde fiecare copil, indiferent de varsta, sa poata gasi ceva ce i se potriveste.

Fiecare produs din buticul nostru este selectat atent, testat personal de catre noi, dupa care este ales cu drag pentru a fi adus catre tine.

Am deschis acest magazin online cu intentia de a aduce ceva nou pe piata din Romania: de la produse virale, la jucarii populare mondial, si pana la cele mai dulci, dragute si unice accesorii. 

Testam tot timpul produse noi si cautam constant lucruri inovative pe care sa ti le prezentam, asa ca mai vino din cand in cand sa verifici ce este nou!

Produsele noastre, adorabile asa cum sunt, nu sunt doar pentru copii, dar pentru oameni de toate varstele- pentru ca noi credem ca pana si ca adulti, creativitatea noastra nu imbatraneste niciodata, iar copilul din noi are nevoie de un moment dulce din cand in cand! Asa ca, oameni din toate generatiile, veniti cu drag si

dati-va voie sa va pierdeti in universul nostru al jucariilor!






Welcome to Lolly Dolly's world! A place that every child dreams of- filled with toys, games, accessories, bows, headbands and cute things!​

We created this store out of love for everything pretty, and we want it to be a space where every child, no matter the age, can find something that they love and that speaks to them.

Every item in our boutique is carefully selected, tested personally by us and then lovingly chosen to be brought to you.

We opened this online boutique with the intention of bringing something new to the Romanian market: from viral products, to worldwide popular toys, and to the sweetest, most unique accessories. 

We are constantly testing out and searching the market for new and innovative products to bring to you, so make sure to regularly check in!

Our products, adorable as they are, are not only for children, but for people of all ages, because ultimately we believe that even as adults, our creativity never ages and our inner child longs for a sweet moment every once in a while- so people of all generations, shop away and indulge in our toy universe!



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